Funny I find myself here, writing. But after the last couple of years I have had, it makes perfect sense. This is exactly where I am supposed to be. Maybe you feel lost or like your life is spinning out of control. It’s a familiar place for many of us as the world seems to turn into an unimageable trajectory. I sometimes find it difficult to formulate words that comfort me. But then I open my Bible, and I realize that God is there. He is always there. He was there from the very beginning of time, your life, your loss, and your triumph. He is always there and according to Hebrews 13:5 he will always be there. He said he will never leave us.
So why do I sometimes sit with less words than I need at any difficult moment? It's because I have not employed His word to minister to me. If He is always there that means the words that He spoke so many years ago are still true today. Those same words that were used to encourage Mary and Queen Esther are the same words we can use to line the walls of our minds and hearts. Allow God to speak to you in those dark places. Allow Him to wrap you in His unchanging, unfathomable love. Join the rest of us who have nothing figured out and are literally hanging on to His every word.
There is one verse in the bible that stays ever so present in my soul and it is Jeremiah 29:11 it says "I know the plans that I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". God has us. When you feel like you cannot go on and when you feel like the night is so dark there is no way it will be light again, he definitely sees you. I encourage you to lean in and to put God to the test. Trust me He can stand the heat, and He is waiting on you to take a step.
Wheww!! We have nothing figured out but are hanging on to His every word! God we trust you! 🙌🏾